Wednesday 12 March 2014

Day Tripping to Sommers Bay

First stop was the lovely Marion Bay.

Excuse the fuzziness of this photo but this sea eagle was so high up and its the best my little camera could do.

Not a soul to spoil the view.

A creek that runs parallel with the beach, making getting onto the beach a bit of a trek if you don't want to get your feet wet.

Especially when there are dead prawns in the water and goodness knows what else.

Finally got to Sommer Bay and this chap was wading looking for lunch.

The tide going out made interesting patterns in the sand.

Waiting for to be taken out into the bay.

One of the more interesting shacks.

Unknown fruit which looked pretty. These were growing wild in the bush.

Old boat which has been turned into a kid's play thing, parked in the backyard of a shack.

Rickety jetty, complete with birds. See the trees in the distance that are still black from when the bush-fires went through last year.

Back  to Dunalley on the way home. This is the canal which makes a short cut for yachts traveling to and from Hobart, therefore avoiding the Tasman Peninsula. I am standing on the bridge which opens to allow the yachts to go through.

Barnacles on the piers. The water was a lovely colour.

Just hanging out to dry.

The Dunalley Fish Market which makes the best fish and chips. This place is 15 minutes from my home. There is a seal that lives outside this building as the owner feeds it with fish waste meaning he is well fed and never has to go anywhere far for a feed. I have put picture of him on here last year. Today he wasn't in sight from the bridge. He usually lives down near the jetty.

Odd things you see on the edges of dams down this way.

And next to the dam was this cutie.

This is where we had lunch today. The Dunalley Pub, which was the centre of everything after the bush-fires last year, had wiped out 65 houses, the local school and police station. They fed people, accommodated several in caravans and tents in the paddock next door. 

A sculpture in the carpark at the pub.


  1. What a wonderful trip. Great collection of photos. If I had to choose a favorite - the vikings in the red boat.

  2. Actually I guess they are just fishermen. Love the barnacles and beautiful turquoise water.

  3. A real beaut collection of photos Deb. So enjoyable to see. The different effects of light on water also fascinate me. It's lovely rambling along beside the water too, seeing whatever is washed up. Reminders of that bad fire, still evident, put other things in perspective don't they. So sad for people who lose their homes in fires. A bad time for you all. I remember your posts back then. Nice to see the area is good times through your photos :D)
